Coverage of France's National Day in Chile: Building and Preserving Digital Heritage
Destacados Visibles World, Agencia Creativa de Comunicaciones
Discover how Visibles World Agency leaves footprints in diplomatic events; and in this particular event: The National Day of France in Chile, collaborating with its audiovisual services and promoting the preservation of corporate digital heritage.
We present a story of helping others through what we offer and the passion for sharing unique cultural experiences, in union with the commercial and diplomatic.
Visibles World Agency offered a unique and innovative coverage to the French Embassy in Chile and Escuela del Queso Santa Rosa; where high quality gastronomy and French culture converged; the main objective was to promote the products of the gastronomic company, highlighting the work of Chilean chefs and the commitment with the quality and origin of the ingredients.
The summary video captures the essence of the event, transmitting the emotion and dedication involved in culinary creation, as well as the support and synergy between French and Chilean entities. In the words of Gérad Dupont, World Honorary President of the Academiè Culinaire de France: "...we want to communicate the greatness of these products and the work behind them, from the fields and the coasts, to the last hand of the expert pastry chefs and cooks".
This collaboration was a unique bet by Escuela del Queso Santa Rosa, to unite the beauty of the captured moments, the importance of the diplomatic event and promote visibilizing at an advertising level the company that participated in the event as an exhibitor; and that we turned this event into digital heritage assets.
Beyond capturing memorable moments, it is important to highlight the value of digital heritage. According to UNESCO, digital heritage represents our heritage from the past, our current assets and what we bequeath to future generations. In this sense, the video summary of the event becomes a digital heritage cultural asset of the company as well as of the embassy itself and gives a testimony of culinary passion and cross-cultural collaboration for generations to come.
The Visibles World Agency, aware of the importance of preserving digital heritage, has contributed during all these years through the service to Embassies and Binational Chambers of Commerce, to build a lasting legacy both in the diplomatic and corporate world; through its audiovisual and photographic coverage, which have captured unique moments that transcend time and allow sharing the cultural and gastronomic richness with present and future generations.
Would you like to know more about how you could increase your digital heritage in your organization? Let us know what you would like to read or... maybe you would be interested in writing an article to help you with something in particular.
Who writes all this?
Gabriel Agustín g.o.
Facilitator of Integral and Creative Solutions for business, diplomatic and non-profit organizations, Professional University Graphic Designer; General Manager Visibles.World and Visibles Media Magazine.
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Realizado por: Gabriel Agustín Garay Opaso, CEO de Visibles World "te ayudaré personalmente a través de mi Agencia de Comunicaciones en tus proyectos digitales y visiilizar tu Embajada y especialmente tus actividades como Embajador; en mi trayectoria he ayudado a varias embajadas y cámaras bilaterales de comercio por más de 7 años.
Te puedo ayudar a visibilizar tu institución a través de mi Magazine ó con mis servicios de: consultorías en comunicación, edición de reels y creación de contenidos para tu embajada así complementando las labores de tu equipo". Escríbeme