Service pack
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enfocado en tu desarrollo laboral
Know the map to empower your life and detect challenges that help you evolve.
On the other hand, on a personal level, it shows you what your greatest potentials and talents are, as well as the main challenges in this life and what you could do to overcome them, in order to be happier, more authentic and to be able to grow in this life.
In addition, with Gabriel's personal and unique interpretation and advice, you can optionally understand other mystical areas, such as the integration of the functioning of present patterns and emotions, numerological aspects together with kabbalistic knowledge from a more relaxed and enjoyable point of view.
Specifically, the birth chart interpretation focused on work has the objective to help you understand what are your main talents that can generate abundance, stability and sense of personal fulfillment in the work area and to understand the challenges you can overcome to activate them.
About the session
During the session (approximately 50 minutes for the basic version and 90 minutes for the extended version), you will be able to know your personality attributes at work, ideal places or areas of work where you feel you flow and are comfortable for you; besides knowing your skills and professions that could enhance your life and your legacy to the human collective; Optionally you will be able to know your unconscious mechanisms of survival and overprotection that you use through the ego and that serve especially in the stage of childhood; understanding the intention behind these processes and situations that probably are repeated in your life.
The session will provide tips for you to solve the challenges that life poses in the workplace.
The focus of the reading is based on the area of psychological evolutionary astrology, which is taught in the Astrotherapy school of Pablo Flores Laymus, which is a new vision of modern astrology, in which the chart is used as a tool for self-discovery and personal evolution.
The time of the session is distributed in:
- Brief introduction and leveling with the person to know the type of astrological language to use (metaphorical, basic or intermediate).
- Interpretation of Natal Chart reading
- Advice and suggestions of practical exercises for the work area.
- Questions and answers (general or specific to work).
About the Report
The report becomes a powerful evolutionary advancement tool that is based on the summary of the face-to-face session along with tips and additional information on the characteristics of your main signs focused on work.
The report is to read it more than once; it has a long useful life, and it will not only serve you for the period when you do the session, but you will be able to see the path of your progress; therefore it is a tool that can serve you for at least 5 to 85 years; since your qualities are developing and the energies of some planets are activated gradually and as you grow.It includes:
- Introduction
- Sun sign and its attributes.
(my individuality according to the vibration of my soul). - Moon sign: available only in the extended version
(my emotional world and attachments ) - Ascendant: available only in the extended version .
(I manifest the energy that I come to consciously incorporate into my personality) - North Node: available only in the extended version
(My Self to know: soul purpose) - Houses of earth and labor
House of generating one's own abundance, house of management, daily routine and workplaces, and house of profession, work success and legacy to the human collective. - Tips and suggestions for practical exercises.
Practical suggestions to activate and / or enhance the connection with oneself and therefore the work skills as well as exercises to manage emotions) .
- What is the astrological chart
What do the zodiacal signs represents
What the planets represent
"Gabriel te agradezco de todo corazón tu labor, ya que realmente es información muy valiosa y reveladora para mis asuntos actuales e ir descubriendo horizontes, tu disposición y paciencia las valoro mucho también. Realmente para mí ha sido una invitación a ir al ser e ir integrando para los propósitos del alma y no es coincidencia que fuera contigo sino que el universo mismo entró en sincronía para nuestro encuentro. Gracias gracias gracias".
Veronica Valdés,
Mandalas Alma Canalizadora Y propietaria de Mandalas Alma
"Hi, I am Gabriel Agustin Garay Opaso and I will personally do the interpretation; I was trained in Work Astrology in the outstanding Astrotherapeutic school of Pablo Flores Laymus, where the central perspective is the emotional evolutionary.I was also trained in Kabbalistic Astrology, workshops on the astrological earth houses (of manifestation), courses on the North Node of the soul purpose, and Saturn, Manifest your reality. I was also trained in Pythagorean and Tantric numerology along with other courses throughout my time.
I will help you to visualize the possible challenges in your area of work, your innate talents (those that are super easy to do, therefore without effort).
I will give you practical exercises that will help you develop and optimize your skills focused on your work development in order to express the best of you."🌟
Value Packs:
Base pack: USD$ 130 Reference value: USD$ 170, you save: USD$ 40
Extended version experience: USD$ 190
Reference value: USD$ 250, you save: USD$ 60)
¿Qué más incluye el pack extendido?
Incluye en la sesión:- Tiempo: +30 minutos.
Grabación: audio de la sesión.
- Signo lunar: Mundo emocional, apegos y sugerencias para gestionar emociones.
Ascendente: "Manifiesto la energía que vengo a incorporar de forma consciente a mi personalidad".
Nodo Norte: "Mi yo por conocer y "propósito del alma"".)
Términos y condiciones
Forma de pago:50% anticipo al reservar y de 50% al terminar la sesión.
Cancelaciones y Reembolso:
Al ser un servicio mixto entre sesión presencial de Asesoría y digitalmente con informe no existen reembolsos.
En caso que el cliente cancele la sesión y/ó no asista no existe reembolso parcial ni total del mont anticipado.
En caso desee cambiar el horario ó reagendar podrá harerlo una sola vez sin costo adicional; vuelve a agendar se cobrará un costo adicional de un 10% del valor total de la sesión por cada re agendamiento.
La sesión es personal y por derecho a la privacidad no se admitirán otras personas como acompañantes del cliente.
Lugares de la sesión:
Las sesiones presenciales son realizadas en lugares públicos/comerciales como por ejemplo: cafeterías, parques, etc.
Valores y términos y condiciones están sujetos a cambios y disponibilidad de tiempos de atención.